
5-Shot Friday: Morning Again, Comic Weight Loss, Pokémon Go, Food Conspiracies, and Bagging It Old School

Jul 15, 2016


5 Shot Friday

5-Shot Friday: Morning Again, Comic Weight Loss, Pokémon Go, Food Conspiracies, and Bagging It Old School

Hello, and welcome to the 8th installation of 5-Shot Friday.

1) An Even Better Morning Person Article

The last 5SF featured an article on how to jumpstart an early morning workout habit.

Here’s an arguably better article on becoming a morning person. However many tips it takes to make the conversion, go for it.

Seven times down, eight times up, as the Japanese say.

2) So, A Comedy Writer Gets Serious About Weight Loss, And Says…

Funny Tips to loss extra pounds

…some pretty funny stuff with a lot of truth mixed in.

Aaron Bleyaert is a joy to read, f-bombs included. His first post on weight loss included a long, vivid Step 3 of 4 that stops just shy of being psycho, but is totally relatable (if you’re male, that is).

His current “but seriously folks” post reminds you of an eternal truth. Weight loss is The Long Game:

“So this becomes your life: Every single g*** f*** day, you will have to make a bunch of little choices that don’t seem like they matter?—?what’s a couple cheez-its here or there? What’s one can of Coke a week between friends??—?and you will have to constantly choose the boring, sh***, low calorie choice. Every time. No slippin’. Because losing weight is a battle that is fought by inches. It is a victory won with a thousand tiny cuts. And that’s why it’s so hard for people to do it, and to do it in such a way that the weight doesn’t come back on.

“That is how you are going to do it.

“And that is why you are going to be successful.”

There are a number of dietary approaches that work – for those interested in going vegan, the Forks Over Knives approach (veggies = more filling, way fewer calories, more evidence of combatting chronic illnesses) has an impressive track record.

3) It’s Not A Conspiracy If It’s True

And here’s why success at losing the weight isn’t guaranteed without perseverance – there is an entire industry working tirelessly to make food products irresistible.

Were Americans just hardier, more heroic, and naturally leaner “back in the good old days?” Maybe, but they weren’t facing an all-out campaign promoting processed foods that are designed to press all our pleasure buttons.

Laura Schmidt, professor at the UCSF School of Medicine (@LauraSchmidtPhD) gives a 13 minute TEDMED talk on what we’re up against, and lessons on what to do next.

4) Pokémon Go: Why A WHOLE Lotta Folks Are Staring At Their Phones In Public

Pokemon Go

It’s not your imagination.

And besides being the latest mobile gaming craze, it’s also the first glimpse into our augmented reality future.

At the very least, it’s the first digital game I’ve heard of that encourages people to go outside and get more activity – improving emotional well-being as well.

5) Bagging It Old School With Coach Maxwell

Steve Maxwell

Steve Maxwell is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt (one of the first Americans, I believe), a longtime kettlebell instructor, and general all-around cool dude.

His knowledge of bodywork, breathing, strength, and conditioning training is encyclopedic, and based on over 5 decades of personal experience as a competitor, coach, and world traveler.

These days he’s generally overseas, teaching seminars in places like Iceland, Hawaii, Greece, and Australia. He travels light by choice, and has whittled his travel and life necessities down to a comfortably packable bare minimum:

“When I first began traveling full-time, I checked my baggage, so I could bring stuff I"d never get away carrying aboard, like a good knife or multi-tool with a blade.

“Later, I decided to improve my mobility and go 100% carry-on. I got Global Entry and CLEAR passes to expedite airport transitions; omitting the tedium of reclaiming of luggage resulted in a great feeling of freedom and lightness. To support this, I had to pare down even more to the essentials.”

Coach Maxwell shares which bag he finally settled upon, and how and why he packs it with what he does.

Enjoyed this 5-Shot Friday? Never miss a single one