
Officials Push for 2015-2016 Flu Season Vaccination

Oct 16, 2015


Family Health Care

Officials Push for 2015-2016 Flu Season Vaccination

Every year, thousands of people in the United States are hospitalized with the symptoms of seasonal influenza – a highly contagious respiratory virus that kills up to 40,000 Americans every year. Health officials are urging everyone older than 6 months of age to get vaccinated against the flu.

The influenza virus is a serious infection of the nose, throat and lungs that spreads in the late fall, winter and early spring – it’s different from a “cold” or “bronchitis,” with high fevers, major body aches and malaise, sore throats, and severe coughing. The infection is easily transmitted to others, even those who are healthy, but those with chronic conditions and weakened immune systems are particularly at risk – including diabetes, asthma and emphysema, pregnancy, and both the very young and the very old.

Americans have been getting flu vaccines since the 1950s, and slightly less than half of the American population was vaccinated for influenza in 2014. This year, more than 171 million doses of flu vaccine have been produced, and about 40 million have been distributed. The latest vaccine has been upgraded to combat the strain that caused millions of illnesses in 2014.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone older than 6 months of age get vaccinated to protect not only themselves, but also those around them who may be vulnerable, or who depend on them. If you haven’t yet had a bad case of “The Flu,” it’s easy to believe that you don’t need the shot, and that you can’t catch the flu, which is kind of like saying that you haven’t died yet, so you must be immortal. Children, pregnant women and seniors above 65 years of age are more vulnerable to the influenza virus, but anyone can catch – and spread – the infection.

Because the flu virus is continually mutating, a new flu vaccine is needed each year, as the previous vaccination no longer gives much protection. Your doctors, nurses, and administrative staff working in medical facilities get vaccinated every single year in order to stay protected, and to protect you.

The fall season is coming to an end.

Winter is coming.

Now is the best time to get immunized against the flu. Get the vaccination for you and your family to enhance your protection. See your doctor, walk in to one of our Urgent Care Centers or Reserve your spot today!